
This shows the eating habits of sea stars, targeting and scavenging immobile prey

Being very slow, sea stars are easy prey for a variety of creatures, including this predatory sea snail.

This shows the tube feet and movement of a sea star.

Above is a picture of two starfish in the process of eating a jellyfish. See how the starfish seem to be sucking their prey into their bodies.

The picture above shows the internal organs of a starfish that make up its water vascular system, which helps with the starfish's circulation, respiration, and locomotion.

This picture above depicts a crown of thorns starfish feasting on coral. Right now scientists are worried that the coral population is in danger due to the crown of thorns starfish eating and destroying coral reefs.

This is a pictures of a sea star cleaning its stomach after eating.

This is a picture of a sea star eating a mussel.
Sea star locomotion & feeding.

This is showing how a starfish moves on the ocean floor

diagram of starfish

This is a picture of a starfish opening a mollusk with its tubed feet.

source: http://yhsbiology.wikispaces.com/Echinodermata
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